BCN Hyaluronidase 1500Ul x 5


Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that digests hyaluronic acid fibers.

It is used in mesotherapy to breakdown the connective tissue bands that create the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that digests hyaluronic acid fibers.

Hyaluronidase is particularly suitable for treating cellulite because it is an active ingredient that attacks the fibrosis associated to this problem

In aesthetic medicine, it is used to dissolve fillers with hyaluronic acid.


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Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that digests hyaluronic acid fibers.

It is used in mesotherapy to breakdown the connective tissue bands that create the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that digests hyaluronic acid fibers.

It is used in mesotherapy to breakdown the connective tissue bands that create the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

Hyaluronidase increases tissue permeability and promotes the spread or dispersion of other injected drugs.

Hyaluronidase can be used to decrease some overcorrections (bumps) created by Dermal Filling with Hyaluronic Acid.

Hyaluronidase is particularly suitable for treating cellulite because it is an active ingredient that attacks the fibrosis associated to this problem.

Indications: dissolving excess hyaluronic acid after filler administration, cellulite.

Active ingredients:
- Manitol,
- Sodium Phosphate,
- Hyaluronidase.

In aesthetic medicine, it is used to dissolve fillers with hyaluronic acid.

Reduces side effects generated by incorrect or excessive amounts of hyaluronic acid.

How to use:
Dilute the content of each vial in 8 ml of deionized waterl. Apply the mixture on clean and dry skin. Mesotherapy or massage until complete absorption.


Data sheet

Target area
How to use
mesopen/ microneedling/roller
Country of origin